Carine CatsBaseball
Our Baseball Division caters for all ages and levels of abilities:
Juniors: Machine Pitch (MP60), Little League (LL Minors, LL Majors), Intermediate League (IL, ILMP70), Junior League (JL), Senior League (SL) & Big League (BLU21).
Seniors: State League 1 & 2, Competitive League (previously A-D), Community North (previously E-G) and Women's Grade.
In 2023/2024, Carine will again be represented in the Ponygirls Youth Girls Baseball programmes.

Welcome to the 2023/24 Baseball Season.
Registrations for the 2023/24 season are now closed. The majority of teams for LL, IL, JL, SL, BL are now full.
Positions are still available on our Machine Pitch teams.
Please contact [email protected] for any registration queries
Fixtures are available from the BWA website.
Read more about our club history.